Request Sport and Wellbeing conducts a root cause analysis of its short notice pool closures over the past year and puts measures in place to reduce the likelihood of this happening from the lessons learnt

Samuel Tweedle submitted on

Monday 28th February 2022


Short notice AU session cancellations in the pool seem to have been happening with an increased frequency at the moment, which is far higher than I've ever known in,my five years at the uni. While a certain level of pool downtime due to extreme weather events and occasional 'indiscretions' by younger users is inevitable for any swimming pool, within the last 9 months sessions have also been cancelled regularly for reasons such as:

-Glass in the pool (which also injured a student)

-Estates and Facilities placing scaffolding in front of equipment (where prior planning could have avoided the need for disruption)

-Staff shortages on multiple occasions

-Defects with the building

-Unspecified 'operating emergencies'

Something has clearly gone wrong in the last year as this level of cancellations never used to be an issue pre-covid. Please could SUSU ask Sport and Wellbeing management to analyse the patterns of pool closures to see if there are any root causes (human, managerial and/or mechanical) for which their preventative measures can be improved to reduce these occurences going forward, and share this analysis with the sports clubs.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 31st Mar 2022 9:57am

Hi Sam, 

Thanks for your YMC, I have sent you a message having spoken to Sport and wellbeing and will meet with both of you. 




  • Forwarded to Vice President Sports

    Thursday 3rd Mar 2022 9:04am


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