the relevant graduation certificate and proof documents

Hao Bai submitted on

Wednesday 9th March 2022


As the most of, nearly all graduate who studied their program last year, basically all of us started our program 2021 winter, and finished this year winter. The winter program students, especially the postrgraduates, there's no guranteed relevant graudation services at the moment for us. We don't ask forcefully the luxury or giant ceremony of graduation, but we do hope please give us the respect and some celebration of our graduation.

And also, the most important is, when our proof of graduation will be given to us? Because this is the most important document for the proof and certificate of our degree and it's necessary for looking for jobs.

Please also do rebuild and building better the connection and communication between different countries's international students, as once our visa ends, we have to go back to home country, and the relevant graduation certificate delivery will be no ganranteed and we don't have the convenient service. But the native students have, because they are here and can seek for help even in-person any time.


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Benjamin Dolbear submitted on

Friday 11th March 2022


Hi Hao, 

Thank you so much for your submission. I'm so pleased to be able to give you some reassurance about Winter Graduation ceremonies. I have reached out to colleagues in the Student Engagement team, who organise graduation, who have confirmed that ceremonies for your cohort will be going ahead between Tuesday 13 - Thursday 15 December 2022. Graduation certificates will be given upon successful completion of your degree qualification, as is typical procedure. At this stage, if you have any further questions, you can direct them to, who will have all the answers for you! Thanks so much again, and keep in touch. 

- Ben.