Ask the university to ameliorate the acoustics in B100

Alexander submitted on

Wednesday 16th March 2022


The quiet work spaces in Building 100 are pleasant and a very useful facility. The acoustics of the main staircase, however, mean that voices out there echo loudly into the work spaces on floors 3 and 4. This should not be especially difficult or expensive to fix and might even make a project for an acoustics student?


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 11th Apr 2022 10:16am

Hi there. I've been working with two acoustics students to see if anything about this can be done, but unfortunately I have been informed that such a project would be at a high cost, particularly for such a new building. I will speak to the University about potentially increasing signage in stairwells to promote a quiet atmosphere.

- Ben. 

Students' Union replied on

Friday 25th Mar 2022 3:21pm

Hi there. Thanks so much for your submission - I have a quick update for you, but it is worth noting that the Centenery Building is one of the newest on campus, and the Estates Team at the University are unlikely to agree to a large-scale improvement project of the acoustics. However, I think your idea about engaging students in this is a great one and, as such, I am working with two students of acoustics to help me to understand the problem and potential solutions better, and I look forward to providing a more substantive update shortly.

- Ben. 


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 18th Mar 2022 10:08am


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