Have a dog day on campus

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 16th March 2022


This will massively benefit mental health especially around deadlines and exam days. We need dogs on campus. Students miss their dogs from home.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 20th Apr 2022 1:30pm


I have explored this suggestion with my colleagues. Unfortunately bringing in dogs has become a very expensive service and so not something that is easily accessible for a Students' Union to do. 

However, we have many exciting alternatives that will help students with exam stress and have access to animals, such as

- Borrow My Doggy. We have a number of Borrow My Doggy vouchers that will be given out during our You Are More Than Your Studies series of events, which focuses on relieving exam stress and improving mental wellbeing during the exam period. Borrow My Doggy gives you the opportunity to take someone else's dog on a walk. More information can be found here- https://www.borrowmydoggy.com/. 

- We have reached out to Therapy Dogs Nationwide (http://tdn.org.uk) to see if they would be able to come in. 

- Our Wellbeing Officer has been looking into different animals and organisations that may be able to come in. 

I hope this helps and if you have any further questions then please email me at welfare@soton.ac.uk.

Kind regards,

Savanna- VP Welfare and Community

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 22nd Mar 2022 11:14am


Thank you for your submission.

I am currently exploring this and will let you know once I have any updates.

Kind regards,

Savanna- VP Welfare and Community


  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community

    Friday 18th Mar 2022 10:13am


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