mental health quotes around campus "you got this!"

Florence Ashaye submitted on

Friday 8th April 2022


its exam season


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 21st Apr 2022 4:16pm


Thank you for your submission and suggestion of having mental health themed quotes around campus. 

We are going to look into putting these sorts of positive messages on our digital screens. If you have any specific wording you would like included, please contact me at 

During exam season, SUSU also runs its You Are More Than Your Exams campaign, in which it hosts different pop-up events to help alleviate exam stress and improve mental wellbeing during the exam period. More information can be found here- 

These will be held around campus, including at Hartley library, during which SUSU staff will be reinforcing messaging such as yours above, encouraging students to keep going! 

The University's Wellbeing Team will also be sharing resources and support throughout this period. 

I hope this all helps.

Kind regards,

Savanna- VP Welfare and Community 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community

    Monday 11th Apr 2022 10:05am


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