Make microwaveable meals/other meals available in the library vending machine

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 22nd April 2022


With the cafe closed from 6pm (quite early in comparison to students coming to study for the evening perhaps), could microwaveable meals or other forms of meals (such as sandwiches or salads) be made available in vending machines or other facilities in the library outside of these hours? This would facilitate meals for students outside of cafe opening times, particularly for those who don't live within walking distance and want meals in the evening whilst studying when most shops are shut.

I do appreciate a thread was made about opening the cafe and there was a point made about bringing your own food or buying from the cafe/Deliveroo but it would be great not to have to be reliant on this, especially when coming from late lectures - most bought/home cooked meals require refrigeration if not being eaten within about 3 hours and this is simply not possible if a whole day is spent on campus by a student.

I also feel that having this as an option would benefit the health of students as they would be getting a balanced meal instead of relying on snacks in the vending machine (such as crisps and chocolate which it mainly seems to be) to replace a meal (which for conveniences sake happens quite often if nothing is open)



Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 5th May 2022 10:38am

Hello! I received a response today regarding this submission. David explained that he would be raising it at the next Estates meeting to see what the team could do to improve what's on offer to students outside of core hours. He believes this may not be a quick win and plans to keep both Emily (as my successor) and me updated. I will close this submission as it is being looked into and when it is available, we will be able to provide an update on our weekly emails and social media. (:

Students' Union replied on

Friday 29th Apr 2022 10:08am

Hello, I have raised this with the Library and I am waiting for a response. I have also asked for a communal refrigerator to support students bringing in food. 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 29th Apr 2022 10:02am


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Yasmine Gendy commented on

Friday 6th May 2022 8:17pm

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