Improve recycling

Anonymous submitted on

Saturday 7th May 2022


Improve the bins around campus so they can actually be used to divide different types of recycling from rubbish 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 15th Jul 2022 2:17pm

Hi, thank you for your You Make Change submission!


Apologies for the delay in response. We have been undergoing a handover period to the new Sabbatical Team. 


I have spoken to the Estates Team at the University and they can confirm that bins don't physically separate different types of recycling and rubbish as they are sorted off site into their respective locations. This is to ensure that recyclable items mistakenly thrown in the rubbish can be salvaged and properly recycled. 


I am going to close this submission, but if you have any questions or further concerns please feel free to send me an email at


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 13th May 2022 10:16am


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