Lobby the university for cheaper graduation costs

Anonymous submitted on

Thursday 19th May 2022


The cost of graduation - gowns, photographers etc. is way too much and gatekeeps an integral university experience from students on low income. For those of us who do not qualify for funding help, but do not have the support of parents or work to be able to afford these things, it feels like we truly miss out. How we spend £9000 a year yet have to pay almost £200 to have a graduation experience equal to those who can afford it is extortionate. I cannot spend almost a month's worth of rent to have the same graduation photos as my friends and this is honestly heartbreaking and non-inclusive, the university should cover these costs with the money we provide them. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 20th Jul 2022 1:51pm



Thank you for this You Make Change submission! Apologies for the delay in response, we have been undergoing handover and induction of the new Sabbatical team over the past few weeks.


I am aware that super graduation is currently ongoing. I want to emphasize that I'm sorry my predecessor nor myself were able to respond to this in time. With the start and near completion of this year's round of ceremonies, the graduation committees for the next year are being set up. At these meetings I will raise the need for the university to reduce the price of graduation gowns. 


I hope your graduation ceremony goes well! If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact me at president@soton.ac.uk


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 20th May 2022 10:10am


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