Add Micro-Jams to SUSU Shop

Dillon Geary submitted on

Saturday 21st May 2022


The Shop sells croissants but nothing to spread on them. I suggest you give away / sell little jam and marmalade pots for spreading on croissants.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 30th Jun 2022 9:34am

Many thanks for your You Make Change submission, 

I have inquired this for you, and I have been informed that The Shop will be buying these in due course. As this is my last day in office, I will hand this over to Zoe the new VP Activities, but if you see no change in September, please feel free to reach out at

Best wishes,

Ella Foxhall, VP Activities. 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Friday 27th May 2022 12:00pm


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