Make Stags nicer

Anonymous submitted on

Saturday 28th May 2022


Inside of stags is starting to look a  bit run down, the booth seating is uncomfortable and becomes awkward trying to get more than 6 people around a table, and bring back the seating in the back room with all the sofas, was a really cool area to watch sports. Also our beer prices are quite a bit higher that other student unions


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 15th Jun 2022 3:08pm

I will now mark this as complete any questions please email me at

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 15th Jun 2022 3:07pm

I will now mark this as complete any questions please email me at

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 15th Jun 2022 3:07pm


Thanks for your submission and apologies for my delayed response I was consulting with some of the operations managers here at SUSU. A refurb of stags including the seating arrangements might happen fairly soon and as always we are happy to have any feedback around this. If you have any feedback feel free to send an email or message to any of the sabbatical officers and we can pass these thoughts onto the team. 

Many thanks,

Matt (VP Sports)


  • Forwarded to Vice President Sports

    Wednesday 1st Jun 2022 10:04am


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