Condem the UKRI response to the PGR open letter, and lobby the university to increase PGR stipends

Jacob Hudson submitted on

Friday 22nd July 2022


UKRI recently responded to the open letter from the PGRs against low campaign, which can be found here This response does nothing to help, and therefore SUSU should condem the response and reitorate demands for incresed stipends. Moreover, SUSU should highlight this issue to university management, and lobby them to support the PGRs against low pay campaign. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 3rd Aug 2022 1:45pm

Hello Jacob,

Thank you for your submission. Today I am sending an email out to all PGRs with a link to a survey about the Postgraduate experience at Southampton. These responses will directly feed into my discussions with the University about funding, scholarships and bursaries. 

I look forward to working on this with you more in September with your new position as a Postgraduate Rep (Congratulations btw!)




  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 29th Jul 2022 9:36am


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