lobby the university to pay all interns sick pay

Lottie submitted on

Tuesday 26th July 2022


While the university does not have to pay statutory sick pay if the intern is sick for the first three days, the majority of students are relying on internship pay to support them with the increased cost of living and university costs. If an intern gets sick or is struggling with their mental health, then they should get the support they need. 

Page 7 for reference: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/~assets/doc/careers/UoS_Internships_Internal_Host_Handbook.pdf.

Also, if you could get them to fix the holiday error where 280 hours = 32 hours, that would be excellent! Thank you, Sabbs :) 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 3rd Aug 2022 1:38pm

Hello Lottie,

I have a received a message that the holiday hours for 280 hour work was indeed meant to read as 28 hours. It has been amended in the handbook now. Because the issue about sick pay is part of a larger review of processes, I am going to close this You Make Change and instead update students down the line when I know more about the improvement project. 

Thank you!


Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 2nd Aug 2022 3:56pm

Hello Lottie,

I have received word from the work experience team that they are looking into the wording in the handbook about annual leave, and will get back to me as soon as possible. From their perspective they are not looking at changing sick pay currently, mostly because this depends a lot on the causal pay and pay roll team.

For this reason, I am going to continue to lobby Wendy Appleby, VP Operations, to consider reviewing internships and UniWorkForce overall; as currently the Human Resources Teams do not have the resources to make such a change internally. 

Thank you,


Students' Union replied on

Friday 29th Jul 2022 10:18am

Hello Lottie,

Thank you for the submission. I have raised the issue with the work experience team, and will update you when I receive a reply. I also mentioned this to VP Operations, Wendy Appleby and how we could re-think how we offer work experience to students, as part of her strategic plan. 




  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 29th Jul 2022 9:43am


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Lottie commented on

Friday 12th Aug 2022 3:02pm


Please do keep me updated :) 

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