Breakfast deal at the susu shop

Anonymous submitted on

Thursday 28th July 2022


I think it'd be a good idea to have a breakfast deal much like the huge success of the meal deal. A pastry and a hot drink (coffee, tea, hot chocolate) for like £2 or £2.50?

Think it'd really help with getting up early and ensuring students eat as I know many people who don't have time for breakfast especially if you study at a different campus so they skip it. The 40 mins bus to NOC for 9am every morning would be a little more bearable with an affordable pastry and hot chocolate for the journey!


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 25th Aug 2022 1:45pm

  • Just an update- There is now a poster advertising this breakfast pastry and a coffee deal outside the SUSU Shop, and a few dotted around the SUSU building. 

    I'm going to close this submission now, but if you have any more issues, please feel free to email me at




Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 2nd Aug 2022 9:46am

We actually do already have a breakfast deal for a pastry and a coffee for £2 within the SUSU shop! (I've attached one of the billboards for reference). However, outside/inside the SUSU shop, it is not very well advertised, so i will be bringing this up with our Social Enterprise team to get some more posters to advertise this better! 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Friday 29th Jul 2022 9:44am


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