volunteer to move 1 of the recycling bins from Highfield campus to Wide Lane sports facilities

Anonymous submitted on

Sunday 14th August 2022


Regarding the recent enquiry: " ensure that there are recycling&composting bins around University (inside Highfield buildings, wide lane sports facilities, avenue campues etc) ", I would like to volunteer to move 1 of the recycling bins from Highfield campus to Wide Lane sports facilities. It's true that many University spaces have adequate recycling-composting bins, hence we can easily ensure that all facilities have those. I  share the concerns of the post's author as I'm using those facilities often and have observed people using general waste bins (the only ones available) for material that can be recycled/composted instead...


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Oliver Murray submitted on

Friday 4th November 2022



I have spoken to the line manager of the Wide Lane manager and have seen to it that a recycling bin is installed at the Wide Lane reception. This should be in place next week. I apologise that this matter took so long to resolve due to issues occurring with the Wide Lane manager. 

I am going to close this submission now. If you have any further questions please feel free to make another submission or email me directly at president@soton.ac.uk

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023

Question for: Union President