Give societies advertising space on the digital screens - NOT JUST THE PLANT POT

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 23rd August 2022


Please give societies access to the digital screens all round SUSU and outside Stag's - getting the screens in the Plant Pot was progress, but it is literally the worst possible place, where no one will see. When people think of a Students' Union, the clubs and societies that go with it come to mind, but it feels like we are a bit of an afterthought if adverts from external companies and SUSU events are constantly prioritised. It feels extremely corporate! Especially as we are not allowed to use paper flyers and posters - we need to get the word out about our events somehow, and it seems unfair that there are perfect places that we do not have access to. PS - big love for the Sabbs, you're doing a great job guys! 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 23rd Sep 2022 9:58am


As this project is ongoing, I'm going to mark it as complete. I highly encourage everyone to engage with the screens project so i can push it further in second semester. If you would like to sign up, please just email me at


Zoe (VP Activities)

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 14th Sep 2022 5:13pm

Hiya! Thankyou for your submission!

Ella (previous VP Activities) started this project at the end of last year and I have taken over. The current action plan is for it to be trialed in the plant pot- this is to make sure the system is fully functional, to make sure submissions from clubs/socs are up to community standards, and to make sure there is a want/need from clubs/socs. I have already released the spreadsheet for your club/soc to sign up to the screen advertisement in the plant pot (can be found on the Friday update email). After semester one, we will be evaluating how this system worked, and if successful, I will put forward a proposal for it to be branched out to the rest of SUSU. 
I understand the fustration and it is something I am going to be pushing this year, but please engage with this system as it stands as i really want to push this project but need the backing of an already-working advertisement system. If you would like to talk more about this, please contact me at 

Zoe (VP Activities)


  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Friday 26th Aug 2022 9:42am


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Lottie James James commented on

Wednesday 14th Sep 2022 9:38am


Completely agree with this. Appreciate the love for the Sabbs, as ex-Sabb, we're not usually the ones making these decisions!! 

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