change quiz and curry back to a Sunday night

Anonymous submitted on

Sunday 4th September 2022


Looking ahead in the SUSU calendar, a number of us have noticed that quiz and curry has been changed to a Monday. This clashes with many societies and makes the quiz more inaccessible for those who have lectures or placements that finish later in the day. Sunday night was always popular and there doesn't seem to be any real justification behind changing it given that the bridge was always full when the quiz was occurring. Additionally, having the quiz on Sunday night is a great stress buster before the week begins. Changing it to a Monday night will mean that not only is it more inaccessible for those wanting to be involved in susu societies and attending late lectures but also we believe that less people will attend, including our quiz team, purely because Monday night is often used for studying over a Sunday night.

please consider reversing your decision to hold quiz and curry on a Monday before it restarts for the year as certainly you'll be losing at least one regular quiz team due to the inconvenience, if not more, which is a shame as we all enjoy it and use it as a way to chill out before the start of weekday lectures and placements. 

thanks for hearing us out,

sincerely, a curry loving quiz team


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 11th Oct 2022 10:33am

Hi, thanks for submitting a You Make Change. 

There were various reasons why Quiz and Curry was changed to a Monday, the main being the Big SUSU Survey responses indicated that students wanted more weekday events. This was also backed up by the recent PGR survey (as PGRs quite frequently attend Quiz and Curry) which stated that they did not want weekend events. Lastly, our venues always indicated that students were more present on campus on a Monday rather than a Sunday, giving further reasoning for switching the day of the event. We also have more support staff willing to work Monday's meaning that the event runs much smoother. 

Hopefully this clears up SUSU's reasoning, but it is very unlikely that the Quiz and Curry will be switched back to a Sunday. I am going to close this submission, if you have any further questions or queries, please email me at


Zoe (VP Activities)


  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Thursday 8th Sep 2022 9:36am


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Lottie commented on

Wednesday 14th Sep 2022 9:36am


I agree! Unless there were students actually asking for it to be moved (were there?), it should have just stayed how it was. 

Nathan Culley commented on

Saturday 10th Sep 2022 10:02pm

I agree with this, the quiz should be on a Sunday night. Many people have commitments during the week already and Sunday is a quieter day on which I look forward to doing the quiz with friends in the evening

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