the university IT service for students

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 6th September 2022


For now, the university IT service basically includes online and offline, online is replied by agents of IT service via emails, offline is replied by agents of IT service at Hartley library IT desk only. The increasing requirements and needs from students and perhaps also lecturers of using IT service is urgent. There's no online chat service for IT service only, students will need to call in (expensive especially for international studnets) or have to email (which this way sometimes is very very slow), thus hope student union help to solve: 1. Adding online chat service (replied by IT professional agent, not student hub non-IT) IT agents, what i mean IT agents means those IT team, now the online chat service only be replied by agents at B37, the IT team didn't be included in;  2. Flexible adding some offline IT desk at not just Highfiled campus (Hartely library), adding IT desk at such as city center campus (B135, Building SJM), Winchester campus and so on.

I hope this partly non-efficient IT service issue could be done as soon as possible, it's really inconvenient especially for international students. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 17th Oct 2022 10:46am



My apologies for how long it has taken to get a response but I have now received a statement from iSolutions about your query:

Within iSolutions we are currently looking at our future IT Support Strategy for both staff and students. COVID 19 has forced a dramatic increase in remote working, requiring the University’s people and systems to quickly adapt to a less physical, more digital workplace. Strategic programmes such as Future Ways of Working and MSE are driving change, and we need to build on these changes and the opportunity to drive improvement


One of our key areas of focus for the next 12 months is our Contact Centre Strategy. This strategy defines an approach for unifying the different contact systems and lays out an immediate roadmap for contact system development, replacing our current telephony solution used by the iSolutions Service Desk team with a modern omni-channel solution. The contact strategy has a wide scope, covering all inbound and outbound communications to the University, including but not limited to switchboards, contact centres, service desk calls, webchats, bots, email, self-service forms and other webforms, providing a significant improvement on our current offering of phone, email and self-service.


It is anticipated that this project will have an overall positive impact on student experience by improving on existing contact channels – one of which will be online chat. This will also give us the opportunity to offer an extended service so as part of this programme we will be looking at operational elements such as our opening hours. Therefore to answer the first question - yes an online chat service is absolutely a viable option for the IT Support Team, and something we will be looking to introduce, as part of our new, improved contact centre solution in 2023.


In terms of the second question - As part of our IT Support Strategy, we are also looking at our in person support model for both staff and students. Our current proposition is largely staff focussed, and the support we offer students through services such as Hartley Library helpdesk is on a ‘best endeavours’ basis. We recognise the opportunity to do more to support our students with their IT needs. We are therefore currently piloting a new ‘Tech Hub’ in Sir James Matthews Building and will also be launching a new hub in ECS later this year. These hubs will be introduced to provide an ‘end to end’ service to staff and students, whether that is support purchasing specific IT equipment, help resolving IT issues, or training in how to use our systems and services. We have launched initially with limited services, but the plan is to work with staff and students to develop this proposition, and then to roll out these hubs across all UOS campuses. It is envisaged that the hubs will have flexible opening hours, with an on-campus presence where and when the staff and students need them.  


TL;DR The iSolutions team are already working on a chatbot option which will be rolled out from next year, as well as opening two new helpdesks at Sir James Matthews Building and ECS building later this year. 

I hope you are satisfied with the response, any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at



Students' Union replied on

Friday 9th Sep 2022 4:46pm


Thank you for your submission. I have raised this with the iSolutions and I am awaiting their response. 




  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Thursday 8th Sep 2022 9:35am


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