lobby the uni to stop offering amazon vouchers for payment

Lottie James James submitted on

Wednesday 14th September 2022


We can't buy food with amazon vouchers, we're in a crisis, please ensure the university is aware that students need money and not amazon vouchers for work! You wouldn't pay someone's salary in amazon vouchers (usually for less than the minimum wage per hour). 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 26th Oct 2022 4:55pm

Hi Lottie,

I've heard back from finance and they will now be offering supermarket voucher alternatives in addition to the original Amazon offer, ensuring that students are given a choice! I'm going to close this submission now but will be on the look out for any other instances of inadequate payments via vouchers, thank you for raising this issue. 

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 20th Oct 2022 11:23am

Hi Lottie,

Monica has gotten back and informed me that payments are made via vouchers as payments by bank transfer require for the students to be signed up to UniWorkForce. If this was to proceed, this would limit the ease students can sign up to opportunities like this, or prohibit certain students from applying. As such, I am going to be investigating with the University Finance Team to see if we can offer alternative voucher payments for supermarkets to help students purchase food goods. I'll close this submission once I receive confirmation from finance. 

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023

Students' Union replied on

Saturday 15th Oct 2022 4:38pm

Hi Lottie,

Thank you for sending through information about which university service was offering payments via Amazon vouchers! As per my email, I have reached out directly to Monica from the Corporate Communications team to ask that this form of payment is ceased now and into the future. I will close this submission once I receive confirmation of this from Monica. 

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union Presidnet 2022-2023

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 27th Sep 2022 1:59pm

Hi Lottie,


Could you please provide some further details about which service is offering to pay students with Amazon vouchers ie Careers Service, Student Engagement, Surveys etc.?


All the best,


Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 27th Sep 2022 1:20pm

Hi Lottie,


Thank you for this submission and for raising this concern with us. I have contacted Katy Gordon, the Head of Careers, to raise this issue and seek some further clarification from the University. I will provide updates on here once available. 


All the best,


Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Tuesday 20th Sep 2022 9:09am


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Lottie James James commented on

Thursday 20th Oct 2022 4:42pm

I suppose the 'prohibit some students from applying' is a bit rough though, perhaps they can be offered supermarket vouchers? I'm not sure. 

Lottie James James commented on

Thursday 20th Oct 2022 4:42pm

I massively disagree - it really isn't that hard to sign up for UniWorkforce. Once you're signed up, you're done. We should be promoting UniWorkforce as it's such a great thing the university has in place. The casual work has really supported me, and other students and all students should be signed up for it. 

Lottie James James commented on

Thursday 6th Oct 2022 6:11pm

I can't find anything at the moment - I may have deleted the email. Perhaps ask on social media? 

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