why societies haven't received bunfight allocation yet?

Lottie submitted on

Monday 19th September 2022


The deadline was the 1st and it's been 18 days. Weekly emails have gone and no one knows what's going on. Please just communicate with us. 


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Zoe Chapple submitted on

Friday 23rd September 2022


Heya everyone! 

Unfortunately there was a massive problem with our email servers that we were completely unaware of. The Bunfight allocation should have been sent out on Friday the 16th September- this email was marked as sent on our system, but was made very clear when we came in Tuesday that it had failed. We have fixed the problem and everyone should have their stall allocation sent to them in an email this week. A link to the allocations can also be found in my most recent Facebook post (Zoe Chapple SU). Please email me at vpactivities@soton.ac.uk or the activities team at suactivities@soton.ac.uk if you are still experiencing any problems. 

Zoe (VP Activities)