Start running the safety bus earlier and provide more buses running.

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 5th October 2022


It is already dark at 7 and it will start to get darker as the winter goes on so students feel unsafe to walk home but are stranded here until 8 when the safety bus starts to run. There were not enough seats to take everyone yesterday which led to people walking home anyway which potentially puts them in danger and defeats the point of the safety bus. This would really improve student experience and safety at Southampton and would be really appreciated by many students.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 14th Apr 2023 9:43am

I'm going to close this you make change now. If you have any questions please email 

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 23rd Mar 2023 9:42am

The SUSU Safety Bus is one of many transport options available in the evening, alongside Unilink and others. It is specifically intended to get people home safely from the SUSU venues, such as the Stag’s, as part of the SUSU Safe campaign.  Whilst usage does vary across different times and days, typically it does not run at full capacity most of the time.  The service runs as flexibly as possible and will always do extra trips to ensure students are not left on campus once the SUSU venues close. We will continue to reflect the demand for the service and currently there isn't such demand for this to run earlier. 

Students' Union replied on

Friday 13th Jan 2023 11:46am


Thank you for submitting this You Make Change. We have been recording the usage of the safety bus and students' thoughts on the timings since this you make change was submitted. I am going to be speaking to our chief operating officer this upcoming week to discuss a review of this data and make a decision on altering the start time of the safety bus and whether in the future a decision will need to be made on expanding the service. I will hopefully provide you with an update as soon as I have one. 

Thank you. 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community

    Friday 7th Oct 2022 9:35am


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