sort out the image sizing on 'what's on'

Lottie submitted on

Monday 10th October 2022


It's embarrassing for us socs because we put time and effort into the graphics - we've had to trial three different attempts (including matching the website instructions AND SUSU marketing department instructions) and all three are squished or don't fit the thumbnail. It's fine for the SUSU events, but it's not helpful to us as societies to promote our stuff. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 11th Nov 2022 9:40am


Happy Friday and early Transgender Awareness Week (starts 13th Nov)!

I've spoken to the marketing team and was told that this issue will be changing in a few months when we move to Memplus, do you know what the problem is exactly so they can make sure it's fixed on the new platform? In the meantime, I can only advise using the image sizing 140×198 for better-fitted graphics. That managed to work better for me as I too have suffered the squished graphics dilemma. If anyone has any feedback on the graphic issue, please email me directly at and I can pass all comments onto the marketing team. 

Many thanks, 

Casie VP Sports


  • Forwarded to Vice President Sports

    Monday 17th Oct 2022 12:06pm


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