Actively work on outlining a methodology to transition into a more sustainable economic model that doesn't exploit international students

Anonymous submitted on

Thursday 27th October 2022


This is going to be hard and require much time and consultance. It may gather political attention, however Southampton is one of the founding members of the Russel Group and should take initiative to ensure students can access a high level education fairly . This isn't just equalising fees for domestic and international students but two times difference is exploitive, especially to whom won't qualify for support and come volatile economies. 

In perspective, UK has 8.6% infilation, public clearly can feel the effects. Countries that internationals come from have annual infilation between 24.6% to 83.45%. Even if they declared sufficient funds for Tier4, 80% infilation means that they are paying away their majority of wealth. Also this makes impossible for new undergrads to attend.

This boils to accounting. University finances must be inspected to understand the current excess and anually how much of it is kept. Transactions between groups must be analysed to cut unnecessary spending. Again this shouldn't cut funding for research or workers, this is to guarantee that expenses are meaningful. Tution fees must be accounted for their contribution to the excess, Other channels of income should be considered to increased in their contribution. 

SUSU should actively create a group to work on this matter. Group should include students, tutors, professionals together. Focus should be the total merit will be emerging from the outcome and not insincere inclusion. SUSU should make all the accounting work and documentation for this effort publicly available and accesible for everyone to audit.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 1st Dec 2022 10:11am


While this is a little out of date, here is the breakdown of where tuition fees go: 

Having played an active role at the University Executive Board and University Council I can validate that the finances of the university are scrupulously monitored and vetted through an annual audit process. While there is a broad reliance on international student fees, the University have stated that this is a "sector wide issue" due to the lack of increase in home student fees from £9250 in 2017 and £9000 since 2010 in the face of inflation. As a result of these nation wide financial issues, the University and many others must rely on international student fees in order to continue carrying out the running of the University, delivering a world-class education, and ensuring that students have a high-quality student experience. As a result of this, it isn't possible for the fees to be reduced for these students without significantly damaging a vital element of the University. 

I recognise that this isn't an ideal response and is one that I wish was not the case. I personally know many students who come from these countries with sky high inflation records and realise day-to-day the difficulties that are faced. I had requested from the University that a separate bursary scheme be set up to support international students. However, I have been informed that issues like this fall under the broad Student Support fund which can be found here:

I would also like to draw attention to the range of scholarships available here: 

I am going to close this submission now. If you have any further questions please feel free to make another submission or email me directly at

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 






Students' Union replied on

Sunday 27th Nov 2022 9:38pm


Following my meeting on the 17th of November, I have left this matter in the hands of the University's Senior Executive Director of Student Experience and Deputy Vice President Operations. I have tasked him with justifying the pricing in the face of sky high inflation as you have highlighted, investigating if a fee reduction is possible, and if not, establishing a separate bursary for international students facing these issues. I will report back once available.

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023

Students' Union replied on

Monday 14th Nov 2022 11:30am


As it has been a few days since my previous correspondence, largely due to myself being out of office, I wanted to provide you with an update! After speaking to the Director of Global Recruitment & Admissions we agreed that it would be best to raise this in my upcoming meeting with the Vice-Chancellor on the 17th of November. I will focuses particularly on the disparity in inflation costs and seek clarification about how the University can justify this in the face of international student expenditure. I will reach out once this meeting is included and let you know the action points taken. 

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023

Students' Union replied on

Friday 4th Nov 2022 9:11pm


Thank you for your submission!

I have reached out to the University's Director of Global Recruitment & Admissions to begin initial conversations on this and gather further data. I appreciate you recognising that this is going to require a significant amount of time and will provide updates on progress when available. 

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 28th Oct 2022 9:49am


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