Reshape crisps recycling boxes

Tasneem Najmudin submitted on

Saturday 29th October 2022


I really like the crisps packet recycling boxes all over campus, although I notice other students do not care. To improve the service and ensure only crisps packets are put into the boxes, reshape the tops to be slits that only thin packets are fit into. The same for the pringles recycling scheme, reshape the box lids so that the tops are only small circles, to perfectly fit pringles tubes.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 15th Nov 2022 3:47pm

Hi Tasneem,

I have spoken to the University Estates Team and they have confirmed that they don't have any of these recycling boxes, leaving the system that we have in SUSU. Recently, our Pringles recycling box has been damaged, resulting in us using the crisp boxes, with clear messaging, and sorting through the items. We have found that this has reduced incorrect placement and contamination and will keep this system in place going forwards. Regarding the crisp recycling, we already have slits designed just to fit crisp packets. However, the lids on these units can be lifted to deposit soft plastics which we have indicated on the boxes that we also accept. We have observed little to no contamination with this system. 

I am going to close this submission for now. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to make another submission or email me directly at

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023


Students' Union replied on

Saturday 5th Nov 2022 1:38pm

Hi Tasneem,

Thank you for this submission!

I have spoken to a member of the University's Estates Team to identify the location of these recycling boxes. Once we know where they are all located we can begin modifying them to restrict items specifically to crisp and pringle packets respectively. I will provide an update when available.

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Thursday 3rd Nov 2022 9:04am


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