commend Ballet society for their quick actions in medical emergency

Anonymous submitted on

Thursday 3rd November 2022


This week a ballerina suffered a seizure in class but members of Intermediate ballet acted quickly and kindly with nursing and medic students jumping into action and the committee and teacher ensuring all was done to keep members safe. The dancer is now recovering well. 
I doubt this is the usual path to commend professional and considerate behaviour but I hope you can thank and recognise them for acting as a true society should. 
Also thanks to the SUSU worker in building 42 and campus security who acted quickly and responsively. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 18th Nov 2022 8:09pm


We have a variety of ways commending societies: You can nominate the for Society of the Month via this form:

We also have the SVAs at the end of the year where they can be nominated for a variety of awards if you believe their actions deserve it. 

I will also reach out to them personally to commend them for their quick response/actions, so thankyou for bringing this to my attention! 

If you want to discuss this further with me, please contact me at


Zoe (VP Activities)


  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Friday 11th Nov 2022 9:29am


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