Make SUSU Events more Accessible

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 14th November 2022


With Disability month coming up, SUSU need to step up the game and take genuinely useful action, as opposed to faceless social media campaigns. The stages in Stags, The Cube and The Bridge are not accessible for wheelchair users and others - and there are wheelchair users at the university who do want to take part in these events and feel dehumanised having to plonk by the side of a stage. We just want to be able to do the same as other students, not be seen as "special inspirations" to be used for a month where it's socially relevant.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 6th Jan 2023 9:49am

I'm going to close this you make change now - if you have any further questions please feel free to email me at or submit a new you make change.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 9th Dec 2022 10:29am

Hi, I just wanted to add that we now have a ramp for the karaoke stage and have lowered the stage so wheelchair users are able to get on the stage. I will continue to meet with our COO to address accessibility issues. If you have any suggestions of further accessibility improvement you would like to see please email

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 24th Nov 2022 10:18am

I have spoken with our Chief Operating Officer and we will be working together to gather feedback on our events and how to make our buildings/venues more accessible. If you have any suggestions please email me at The recent stags refurbishment has removed the booths so the area is more accessible however we understand that more needs to be done and we would like to work with you to achieve this and listen to any concerns. We understand that the Stags stage is inaccessible but unfortunately as it is a temporary fixture and because of the limited space we have, I have been told it is not possible to add a ramp or lift. This Thursday, however, we have agreed to change the layout of the karaoke stage and operate a tiered stage with a large accessible floor area integrated into the stage area. There will also be radio mics available and we will be swapping our metal barrier for a rope barrier to improve visibility. We will be collecting feedback from students on this new layout but would specifically like to hear from students with accessibility needs. We have drafted some other ideas such as removing the stage or changing the layout of the stage. We would appreciate any feedback that you would be able to give and it would be great to have a discussion on what more we can do.


  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community

    Friday 18th Nov 2022 9:35am


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