provide spaces for students to undertake video interviews

Anonymous submitted on

Saturday 19th November 2022


Hi, I'm currently in the process of applying for graduate roles and many of these applications require video interviews. I find it challenging doing these interviews in my room in my student house as it is difficult to find good lighting especially on sunny days and I have to move my desk from its usual position to have a clear background (it's often not possible to blur the background). On top of this, my housemates can be noisy sometimes which is distracting and I am slightly self-concious of being overheard too. 

Most interviews need to be completed within 5 days or 7 days (and I have even needed to complete one within 3 days before!). I have found that most rooms on campus require booking at least a week in advance so it is not always possible to book for this purpose. I know I could take my chances with an empty room but the possibility of being interrupted makes an already stressful situation even more stressful. In addition, many of the bookable meeting rooms have glass doors and windows and are not very sound proof. They are also generally situated right by communal study areas with many people walking past. This can be distracting and again makes the process slightly awkward. 

I was therefore wondering if more private, smaller rooms (similar style to the lecturers' offices?) could be made available for students to use to complete video interviews without the fear of being overheard or interrupted?

Many thanks


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 5th Jan 2023 3:39pm

If you have any further questions please feel free to make another submission or contact me directly at


Students' Union replied on

Thursday 5th Jan 2023 3:38pm


Apologies for the delay, I have just returned to the office after the winter break!

After speaking with the Estates Team about this matter as well as Library Services, I am sorry to confirm that this is not feasible with the current space shortages that the University is experiencing. Work is however being done to audit space to ensure that it is efficiently utilised to benefit students as much as possible. I have asked that interview space is considered in future plans for development of space. Presently, please continue to make use of the University's booking system. If you do have any last minute interviews that result in a lack of booking space available from the University please speak to either B37 or SUSU reception as there may be a few rooms spare that are normally for staffing purposes. 

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023

Students' Union replied on

Sunday 27th Nov 2022 9:18pm


Thank you for this submission!

I have raised this issue with the University's Director of Estates and Facilities as they are currently working together with us to identify additional spaces that need to be made available to students. I will update you on his response once available. 

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 25th Nov 2022 9:33am


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