Formally condemn the World Cup in Qatar OR formally change SUSU’s organisational values

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 23rd November 2022


The Qatar World Cup should bring shame on the world. Supporting it means complicity in bribery, corruption, the deaths of thousands of migrant workers and the abhorrent views and treatment of the LGBTQ+ community. No self-respecting organisation should support this, and especially not when simultaneously and hypocritically trying to support Transgender Awareness Month. 

SUSU should put out a statement formally condemning the World Cup being held in Qatar and should immediately suspend showing any World Cup games. Perhaps SUSU could use some of those World Cup slots to instead run events to educate students and staff on the human rights issues in Qatar, and maybe even donate profits from games that you’ve already shown to a LGBTQ+ charity. 

Otherwise, if SUSU decides they want to be complicit in Qatar holding the World Cup, they should formally change their values as an organisation to reflect this. In particular, “Stand Strong”, “Join Together” and “Take Responsibility” should formally be changed to “Accept Bribery”, “Kill Migrants”, “Hate Gays”. 

Those are two very clear options for SUSU to take, either one entirely justifiable (albeit one is moral and inclusive - as per SUSU’s current values). It is impossible for any organisation to credibly pick parts of both options here. Have some guts, pick a stance, and stick with it, otherwise you are not fit for purpose as an organisation. Pick wisely. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 1st Dec 2022 11:06am

I am going to close this submission now as I haven't received a response. If you wish to get in contact again about this matter please make another submission or email me directly at

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023


Students' Union replied on

Friday 25th Nov 2022 8:25pm


Thank you for your submission!

We recognise that this year's World Cup is rife with controversy and fraught with human rights issues, the situation is exceedingly complex. While we understand the issues in Qatar do not reflect what we stand for as an organisation, SUSU is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment in our venues.  This includes providing a space where students can securely watch the World Cup free from discrimination, harassment, hate, and violence in-line with our zero tolerance policy.

The University of Southampton student community is incredibly diverse with nearly 50% of our population coming from over 150 different nationalities. Showing the World Cup in Stag's allows our members to support their national teams and have a place to express themselves freely and safely whereas venues in the city may pose a risk to certain members of our community. As highlighted in our SUSU Safe initiatives, student safety is of the utmost importance to SUSU and something that we stand by.

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 25th Nov 2022 9:34am


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Fiona Sunderland commented on

Monday 28th Nov 2022 4:55pm

I understand that SUSU is trying to provide a safe space for everyone and wants to please the people that are watching the world cup, but continuing to particpate in the world cup/failing to boycott it is implicitly supporting it. As a member of the LGBT community it terrifies me that a country like Qatar is able to bribe it's way out of any consequences. 

I support SUSU and defend SUSU all the time but I do not believe this is right (I was not the original poster) and more needs to be done. I feel like the intake stags will get from showing the World Cup is taking precedence over doing what is morally right.

At the very least if SUSU is going to continue showing it, I think a statement should be made condeming the actions and a portion of proceeds made during the showing of the games should be donated to relevant human rights charities.

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