fulfill their promise of hosting a grad ball

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 7th February 2023


Following the recent email send by SUSU, there is clear outrage amongst final year students about the possibility of having our grad ball changed to be open for everyone across the university to attend. This is yet another attempt by SUSU to infringe on a unique experience. Having had freshers week taken away, it's frankly disgraceful that our graduation ball might be taken away as well. Grad ball is something many people look forward to as a celebration of a very difficult few years, as a last goodbye to the university and to our friends; we are angry about it being made into just another event to make money. Especially as the attempts to make up for freshers week experiences for the class of 2023 were honestly embarrassing. We would like the summer ball idea scrapped before it even is considered. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 15th Feb 2023 2:46pm


Thank you for your 'You Make Change' submission! 

The survey was sent out in response to feedback that students wanted more out of grad ball and lower ticket prices. In order to accomplish these objectives to significant effect, a wider ticket audience would be necessary. However, as a Students' Union we are keen to base large-scale decisions on student feedback, which is why we sought to survey final year students to hear their thoughts. The results of the survey indicated that there was preference for the event to be a Grad Ball for final year students, which we will be proceeding with. 

I am going to close this submission now. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to make another submission or email me at president@soton.ac.uk 

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 10th Feb 2023 9:29am


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