Lobby the faculty of medicine to fix the common room

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 29th March 2023


For the majority of this year, the medicine common room at the hospital has had a broken door handle, meaning that people often get locked out or can't access the lockers in which they have personal items. 
There are very few other places that students can leave items whilst on placement, access a microwave or boiling water or rest during breaks. The common room therefore should be a priority and although these issues have been flagged to the faculty, nothing has been done to fix them and we are having to call security every day to let us into the common room, who aren't very receptive and often don't want to come, making us late for placement. 

Please help us in fixing this as it makes life really tricky on placement if we don't even have anywhere secure to leave our items or make lunch, and people are having to leave their personal items in unsecure areas as a result of this. It's also particularly hard when placement hours are so unpredictable and can be quite long so having a place to rest is very useful!


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 3rd Apr 2023 1:51pm


I have received correspondence back from the Associate Director of Faculty Operations (ADoFO) and have been informed that on the 22nd of March the estates team visited to fix a broken light, mircrowave, and the blinds, whilst inspecting the lock. Unfortunately, they were unable to fix the lock at the time so have left it in the open position in the meantime. A small works request has been filed with the relevant team for a new lock to be installed as soon as possible. In addition, due to repeated issues with the space, the ADoFO and MedSoc will be looking into pulling together a committee to oversee the space and report issues that occur internally to ensure that issues like like are addressed as soon as possible. 

I am going to close this submission now as all items have been actioned. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to make another submission or contact me directly at president@soton.ac.uk 

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023

Students' Union replied on

Friday 31st Mar 2023 10:25am


Thank you for your submission!

I have reached out to the Associate Director of Faculty Operations for Medicine to establish an initial point of contact so that this can be addressed. I will keep you updated on progress.

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 31st Mar 2023 9:36am

  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 31st Mar 2023 9:35am


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