NUS card

George Lee submitted on

Tuesday 15th March 2016



i wanted to buy a NUS card (national union is students) which has loads of really good discounts for students, but was unable because The University of Southampton is not registered with the scheme. I was wondering whether it would be possible for the university to become part of it?



Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Ed Baird submitted on

Tuesday 15th March 2016


In the past 6 years, we’ve had two referenda (student-wide votes) on whether the Students’ Union should become affiliated to the National Union of Students. Both times, the results were overwhelmingly that students here felt that we were better off not affiliating, for reasons of political autonomy, reallocation of the affiliation fee, and various other reasons forwarded by the campaign teams at the time. For this reason, we are not associated with the National Union of Students and so we aren’t eligible for NUS Extra cards. With that said, many shops in Southampton do allow us to use our student ID cards for student discount anyway.

If you wanted to propose a referendum on whether or not the Union should affiliate, you could propose to do so at the AGM later this year. This would trigger a student wide vote so that every student could have their say on whether or not we ought to be affiliated with the NUS.