Montefiore Washing Machines

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 20th April 2016


They seem to be malfunctioning everytime I use it, either there are still suds of detergent still on my clothing or that it doesn't wash at all etc... I'm not sure if anything can be done but if you could find a way to replace them with better models that would be appreciated. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 24th May 2016 9:46am

Thank you very much for your submission, for the immediate future I’d say your best bet is to contact your halls reception and see if they can help you. The students' union had asked the University to change the machines and this July when they change their service provider and we’ve also campaigned for them to take into account the student feedback as well so they’ll definitely be changing for next year but for the immediate future I’d recommend contacting your halls reception and lodging a complaint.

Anjit Aulakh

VP Student Communities


  • Forwarded to Vice President Student Communities

    Thursday 21st Apr 2016 11:43am


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