Have more English Free Course for International Students

Joel Soh Andu submitted on

Thursday 28th April 2016


As we know, international students are not very proficient in English. Hence, if there is more English Free classes, more international students can benefit in this and improve their English to help them on their course. Also, to help them to express their ideas into words so that International students will not feel stressed and intimidated.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 24th May 2016 9:40am

Thank you very much for your submission, what we’re doing as a part of the global project which started in January is looking at the International student experience as a whole. We already have and will further have chat with all the different faculties to talk about what best practices they have when it comes to international student experience and support. For example the FEE have English language session that they offer to students when they come to university if they need help and that’s just one faculty we know about, we’re going to talk to the others as well and find out whether they have similar programmes. If they do then we’ll push to have them publicised better and if they don’t we’ll try and see if the best practices of other faculties can be shared and utilised collaboratively.

Anjit Aulakh

VP Student Communities


  • Forwarded to Vice President Student Communities

    Friday 29th Apr 2016 12:13pm


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