Encourage International Students to run in Committee and give quotas to the International Students in the Committee's positions

Joel Soh Andu submitted on

Thursday 28th April 2016


Because International students are shy to express our idea in a new culture and English is not our 1st language, we will feel shy to voice out opinion although we have a big desire to run in the committee position. So I suggest that Student's Union to encourage more international students to run in the election for the committee and also give some quotas to the international students in the committee. This is because this can motivate the international students to apply for the position if there is quota especially for them, and they will not be shy and intimidated to apply for a position.

Hence, when at least 1 international student has been in committee, this will spur up the interest in other international students to run in the higher positions in the committee, and thus create a more diverse culture committee. Just to give an example: after Barack Obama won the election in USA to be the 1st black man to step into the White House, this has actually motivated a lot of different races people to contest in the next election. Therefore, I proposed this idea for a better understanding of all the cultures exist at the University of Southampton with a more diverse culture in the committee, and hence this will also attract more students or exchange students to come to the University of Southampton to study.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 13th May 2016 3:32pm

Hi there, thanks for getting in touch. I completely agree that we need to do more to encourage international students to run in elections! We’re looking at how we communicate about elections to different students at the moment, and part of this may mean targeting tailored messages to different student cohorts- such as international students.

We do also already have an International student officer elected to make sure there is representation for International Students, and this Officer will sit on Senate too.

I think you make a really good point as well about seeing international students on committees will encourage other international students to run in elections. With the new democratic structure we just passed at the AGM (full details here), we also introduced gender quotas- so improving representation for international students in the future is something we could consider!

If you want to pursue this, please email me vpcomms@soton.org, and I can help you take an idea to Union Council to discuss further. 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries

    Friday 29th Apr 2016 12:15pm


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