Proxy voting on motions at the AGM

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 11th May 2016


The number of votes cast prior to and general attendance at the SUSU AGM this year was very poor. SUSU have invested heavily in tablets for allowing students to vote, which were used on things like the colour of the seats in the Cube. Why were they not brought out onto the concourse/redbrick for voting on motions at the AGM too? This would be a good way to raise awareness that students were able to vote as well. I stumbled across the voting page because it was shared in a student group by someone who had proposed a motion asking for support. I saw nothing about it from SUSU until a day before voting closed.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 13th May 2016 2:42pm

Hi there, thanks for your feedback! Of course we can always do better, and we try to every year- but I am pleased that we actually had our highest ever voting turnout this year at 563, which is a 46% increase from last year. I know this isn’t perfect, but at least we’re heading in the right direction!

We didn’t actually use tablets for the seat colour vote, it was just laptops and scanners we already own, but I see your point. As every student was able to vote on any electronic device (working on the assumption that most students have a phone/tablet), we thought we wouldn’t need extra tablets for them. But I do take your point- perhaps next year we could have people going round on the lead up to the AGM telling people to vote – the balance is of course trying to keep the marketing costs low so we can put that money on other things such as student groups.

In terms of publicity, we did have a poster and social media campaign leading up to the AGM, as well as an all student email, but we can always do more, and different things. One thing I would like to see more of next year, is the students who submitted policies, and others who care about those policies, publicising the AGM themselves, as I think the AGM campaign would have a much stronger impact if multiple voices got behind it!

If you have any more suggestions, I’d love to hear from you! Email me at, or drop into the office on level 2 of the SUSU building. Also if you’d like to be more involved in making change in the future, you can come along to the next Democracy Zone meeting on the 26th May in the Boardroom.  


  • Forwarded to Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries

    Thursday 12th May 2016 9:39am


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