Lobby the university to comply with freedom of information requests

Anonymous submitted on

Thursday 12th May 2016


Hi,The university has a very poor track record of complying with freedom of information requests as per the freedom of information  act 2001, with no successful requests since early 2014. (https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/body/university_of_southampton)

Would the union lobby the university to comply with these requests as they ensure transparency.



Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 13th May 2016 3:31pm

Hi, we have certainly noticed that as well! In fact, the Wessex Scene have been working hard to tackle this, and we also have a policy proposed by president elect Alex Hovden on the matter. https://www.susu.org/downloads/democracy/papers/9_1080_1453892584.pdf. Current President Ben Franklin has also been raising the issue at some of his meetings with the University.

Bridie Pearson-Jones (the Editor of the Wessex Scene) has also sent off a complaint to  the Information Commissioner’s Office, who have since been in contact with the University. If you’d like to be involved with our work on this issue, please email me vpcomms@soton.ac.uk


  • Forwarded to Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries

    Friday 13th May 2016 3:30pm

  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 13th May 2016 2:44pm


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