Not every one is equal in group work

Ahmad Anbar submitted on

Friday 13th May 2016


Ensure that all group work has peer review and/or have a weekly report (100 words) stating the contribution of every group member or even have someone check up on the groups progress. I have had the worst year imaginable because of group work, from all the stress, chasing after people and the extra work put in to make up for slackers. 

Supervisors should have a zero tolerance policy to not waste the effort of those who work.


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Students' Union replied on

Monday 16th May 2016 12:32pm

Thanks for the suggestion – your department should already have guidelines/a policy relating to group work which should outline the requirements of students and what goes in to peer review. Throughout your work, you should have a lecturer/supervisor/tutor to contact if you are having any problems with your group. The reason that group work is a key part of University assessment is that it gives you a flavour of how project work is carried out in the workplace. It’s best to learn to adapt to various/difficult situations whilst at University than once you have a job. If you feel like you are struggling with the requirements of your course, I would advise that you speak to your personal tutor, the lecturer that set the group work or visit The Advice Centre [].

Shruti Verma
Vice President Education


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education

    Monday 16th May 2016 9:47am


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