The petition was created before the end of the rebrand, and it's clear that some names are fraudulent - I doubt Ben Franklin signed it. But surely, given that the signature now has 1600+ signatures, it would require ~85% of signatures to be fake for there

Will Kingsnorth submitted on

Monday 16th May 2016


The petition was created before the end of the rebrand, and it's clear that some names are fraudulent - I doubt Ben Franklin signed it. But surely, given that the signature now has 1600+ signatures, it would require ~85% of signatures to be fake for there not to be the 250 required for a referendum. So while it may be argued that technically it doesn't fulfil the requirements and that it was created prematurely, do you want to use the letter of the constitution (of which you're on shaky ground for denying the students a referendum anyway) or the spirit? If the Union works for its students, surely we deserve a say?


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Paul Davie submitted on

Monday 16th May 2016


The petition, as well as being impossible to verify, is not calling for a referendum and is based on fewer than half the facts and relevant information. To properly equip students with the information they need, we are getting out several blog posts, continuing the planned launch events, and I’ll be holding a meeting in The Bridge on Wednesday evening (look out for posts once place and location are confirmed)

I’ve written a more in depth blog about it here which hopefully covers the majority of it.