
Katrina Thomas submitted on

Monday 16th May 2016



I was just wondering how a student would go about creating a credible petition to ensure that it complied with the SUSU requirements?


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Ed Baird submitted on

Tuesday 17th May 2016


In response to queries about the petition, we’ve set up a meeting tomorrow so that before any drastic action is taken, we can make sure all questions have been answered correctly and shed a little more light on any parts of the process that are necessary. That will be at 6pm in The Bridge, and it’d be great if you could attend. If after that meeting you’d still like to petition, it’s functionality that will be available via the website soon. More details are at the bottom of this blog:

Ben Franklin
Union President