Concave mirror at cycle path blind corner

Anonymous submitted on

Thursday 19th May 2016


Could you lobby the uni to put a concave mirror on the outside of the prayer room building ( the back of the Stag's building). There is a pedesdtrian path, and a cylce path that run alongside each other, and an intersection of a pedestrian path and the cycle path, all on a blind corner on a steep incline. There are already signs painted on the ground saying SLOW (I think?), but obviously not everyone follows this advice, and with bikes going up and down at speed, and pedestrians crossing, this is dangerous. A concave mirror on the corner would allow pedestrians and cyclist to see around the corner.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 20th May 2016 10:36am

Hi, thanks for sending in this brilliant suggestion. I have asked the University Transport Manager to look into installing a mirror, so watch this space for progress! If there are any other improvements to cycle paths and facilities on or around campuses you think should be made please let me know, it’s great to see so many more students cycling around the city now. Sam Bailey Vice President Welfare


  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare

    Friday 20th May 2016 9:12am


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