
Thomas Gravatt submitted on

Friday 20th May 2016


Hi! Following on from the bridge meeting about the brand review and the new petitoning functionality. Will this petitioning feature be permanent or just for the rebrand petition, and will students be able to create their own petitions on the SUSU website or will starting petitions go through SUSU? I think e-petitions would be a nice addition to SUSU's democracy and something slightly more interesting than elections - but only good if students are able to start petitions themselves.


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 24th May 2016


The petitioning feature will be permanent, and students can suggest their own petitions. If the wording isn’t quite right, it violates one of the rules, or doesn’t appear to have the desired effect, we may recommend slight changes, but overall the petitions will all come from students on any issue they feel requires a referendum or general meeting.