Bar 2 Social Space

Alexander Howard submitted on

Friday 20th May 2016


Hi Ben,

The last Union Council of the 2014/2015 Academic year approved a finance budget of £27500 to renovate bar 2 into a social space:

Furniture £25,000 (provisional sum) Decoration £500 Display projection screen £1,500 Games system £500

I am wondering if this has actually been done - there are no game systems in bar 2 and I highly doubt the sofas that are there cost £25000.

Please can we get an update on this?


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 24th May 2016


Hi Alex,

Thanks for the question. The amount approved was for a version of the room with solid furniture, but it was decided that maintaining the flexibility of the space was important, and so bean bag furniture was used instead, obviously at a considerably cheaper cost. We put in the screen, which is sometimes used depending on the needs of the space (like in culture festival), but it was felt that the Stags was a more appropriate venue for the games console where it is receiving significant use.  Any money from the underspend on this has been returned to the appropriate budget for reinvestment in other things – for example, renovation works on the Cube.

The spirit of the proposal  (to provide a social space that wasn’t led by buying food/drink) has been met, I’m pleased to report that the space is frequently full of relaxing students in the day, but still used by clubs and societies in much the same way as before, and came in well under budget.  

Question for: Union President