Amazon Locker for union Southampton

Anonymous submitted on

Sunday 22nd May 2016



I've noticed that the nearest amazon locker to us is located in SU. What's the likelihood of us getting an Amazon Locker at the union? You could put it easily in the main foyer area next to the blank wall or in the entrance area


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 24th May 2016 2:18pm

This is an excellent idea, and one that we’ve looked into, but unfortunately when Amazon came to look around we were told that the space was not suitable. The need for this has been considered for the master plan for the building (hopefully, in 2-4 years time work will be underway to refurbish the whole Union, which we’re currently testing the feasibility of with the University and architects). In the new building, we’ll have greater open spaces where lockers can be installed where they aren’t obstructing thoroughfare.

In short, we’ve tried, but were apparently unsuitable at present. 


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Monday 23rd May 2016 9:30am


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