Will The Bridge or Bar Three be changed at all to fit with the rebrand? This could mean logos, interior decor, signs etc.

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 1st June 2016


Will The Bridge or Bar Three be changed at all to fit with the rebrand? This could mean logos, interior decor, signs etc.


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Ed Baird submitted on

Wednesday 1st June 2016


Yes, the plan is that over summer further changes will take place where reasonably practicable. In the case where this will generate great extra cost that has not already been carried out, a common sense approach will be taken, but for things such as menus, work on the rebrand will continue (since these are routinely replaced, there is a need for the brand to be consistent where financially and sensibly reasonable in the circumstances)

Ben Franklin

Union President