Student Leader blogs

Frazer Delves submitted on

Sunday 5th June 2016


I recall that at the start of the year you did some 'Sabb Takeover' blogs to celebrate the work of some of the Student Leaders and societies within the External Engagement Zone. Other people have suggested in the past that Student Leader blogs would be a good idea. Your poll in the 'Student Leader Team 2015/16' Facebook group showed that the majority of respondents wanted a Student Leader blog and would use it.

Has there been any more progress on this?


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Ed Baird submitted on

Monday 6th June 2016


Hi Frazer,

We are looking into a way students can send in their success stories and we publish them as we did in the first semester.

As for the Student Leader blogs – this has been delayed over the rebrand period and should be in place for the incoming part-time officers.

Hannah Talbot

Vice-President Engagement

Question for: Vice President Engagement