Increase in number of microwaves in the Union

Emma Sullivan submitted on

Monday 31st October 2016


Every lunchtime there is a large queue up to where the microwaves are situated and therefore it would be great if we could have more microwaves so that heating up my soup for 2 minutes doesn't turn into something that takes 20+ minutes. Thank you.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 7th Nov 2016 12:45pm

Hi Emma, thanks for your idea! Unfortunately it isn’t going to be possible to put more microwaves near to the existing ones, as we are concerned that this might encourage more students to congregate in that small corner of the concourse, which requires regular through access for large parcels and also access to the safe for the cash machine. However I am aware of the need for more microwaves on campus generally, and we are lobbying the University to install some in the library too. In the mean time we will keep this in mind and look to increase the number available in the Union as soon as possible. Many thanks, Alex Hovden – Union President.


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 4th Nov 2016 1:13pm


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