Selling hot drinks to raise money for charity, new restrictions

Caitlin Doyle submitted on

Friday 11th November 2016


Hi there,

The LGBT+ Society is hosting a fundraising week around Worlds AIDS Day at the end of November/beginning of December, and had as part of our plan hoped to sell hot drinks to raise money. However we were informed following our RAG Application that selling hot drinks for charitable reasons is no longer permitted due to tightening of the rules. We are not clear on the underlying justification, just simply that this appears to be a new regulation stipulated by the Union. I understand that these new rules have not only been affecting and limiting the LGBT+ Society, but others too when it comes to fundraising, which seems like a great loss for the variety of charitable causes the various Student Groups hope to support throughout the year!

So, I would like to know why these stricter regulations have been put in place, as I feel that understanding the thought processes behind their implementation would help validate the decision for me and my Society?

And whether or not there is a written document with all of the guidelines for charitable events and other union events available, so we can better plan all events in the future?

Best wishes,

Caitlin Doyle

Secretary, LGBT+ Society


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Christopher Small submitted on

Friday 27th January 2017


Hello Caitlin,

Apologies for the dealy in updating. The Operations & Services Advisory Forum met in December and recently ratified the minutes, available here. In this meeting, it was clarified that the reason why societies are not able to provide hot drinks is due to health and safety concerns around use of boiling water. It was subsequantly agreed at the meeting that further information and guidance should be provided in the Student Groups 'How to' guides. If you have any further questions about this, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me via email at .

Many thanks,

Alex Hovden - Union President