Student Mental Health Publicity

Emily Gilbert submitted on

Friday 9th December 2016


Mental Health is one of the most prevalent issues at university today. I believe more funding needs to be put into things such as Student Minds - this group really aims to help people, so more publicity about it would be fantastic.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 30th Jan 2017 12:57pm

Hi Emily.

mental health is an absolute priority for me this year and the Union has several important initiatives to improve our welfare support. This includes the mental health campaign I will be running in March to raise awareness, the 6000 welfare packs offered to all first year students and new 'look after your mate' training that we will offer all students to help them support friends and family suffering through mental health difficulties. You may have also seen our 'You Are More Than' activities to reduce exam/coursework stress.

As for funding Student Minds, we sadly did not recieve any applications for funding this year up till this point but will certainly consider any applications we recieve in the next funding round after Easter. The Student Minds society will recieve an email to their account to make sure they don't miss it. 

Best Wishes

David Allwright - VP Welfare



  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare

    Monday 12th Dec 2016 9:14am


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