Zone Meeting Agendas

Nathan Ruttley submitted on

Friday 9th December 2016



Who decides what goes on the agenda at zone meetings and when?



Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Evie Reilly submitted on

Thursday 15th December 2016


Hey Nathan,

The Full-Time Officer who chairs the Zone decides what goes on the agenda for each Zone meeting. Agenda items have to be finalised and submitted to the Zone two working days before the meeting to give people enough time to read any agenda items. The best way to submit something for an agenda is to use You Make Change (i.e. the system you just used to ask this question!) and either ask a question or submit an idea. The Full-Time Officers meet every week to go through all new You Make Change submissions and then decide what to do with them and, if necessary, what Zone to send them to.

Hope this answers your question, and thanks for getting in touch!

Cameron Meldrum
Vice-President Democracy and Creative Industries