Chamberlain halls

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 12th December 2016


To whom it may concern.

 I am a resident at Chamberlain Halls and I was wondering if some things could be considered to change.

Firstly, I am an undergraduate and I don't know who is living in my halls. I think maybe a group chat or a 'block night' should be introduced, even if its just in the common room so we can familiarise ourselves with whos around us. 

Furthermore, I think there should be more events in the common room, especially for non drinkers. Even just a games night, film night, quiz or we all go to Stags or anything. Just maybe making a facebook page and posing the question 'Would anyone like a film to be played this friday' or something like that as the halls seem very disjointed. I also suffer from anxiety and for me to make friends it is easier to be in an environment which is more fun or brought together than going out of my way to go knock on flat doors etc.  

I went to Loughborough University and they really made the halls feel like a home away from home. There were events constantly held, I knew who was affiliated with the UNI. They did charity dog walks, Inter hall matches for FREE, quizzes, their own ball, they did charity collections for homeless people, they went to events together and met prior to them. I just believe if we create an atmosphere where we all know each other or have familiar faces it will make the experience a lot better. 

Also, more information on events to do with chamberlain. I am very rarely notified about events that chamberlain are doing. I want to be an active member and embrace my time here in halls but I feel as though because I dont drink I cant get involved with most of the activities. 

Also, I believe a vending machine will be of great benefit. I have spoke to various people who said this would be of good use to them or even a 'tuck shop'. I understand this is hard to add in but I see that other halls have one so I would hope ours can too. 

I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards. 


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Students' Union replied on

Friday 6th Jan 2017 1:34pm

Hi! Thanks for your message! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break and New Year. 

I’m sorry to hear that you don’t feel you know those living in your halls. Living in halls at Southampton was one of the best parts of my degree, and I’m sad to hear that you’re not having the same experience. It just so happens that there is a Facebook page for Chamberlain Halls – I’d really recommend you join it! It’s the place where loads of events and activities get advertised, and has the majority of the residents as part of it! You can find it here:

You also have an elected Halls Committee who are there to make sure that your time in halls is as good as it possibly can be. They are a great group of people to talk to about anything you’d like to see going on in your halls, and are always open to suggestions as to what could improve your time in halls! You can submit ideas to them through the Union website, find details of the committee and see upcoming events here:

In terms of a vending machine, this is something that the University would be responsible for. I will be sure to pass your comments on when I next meet with them!

I hope that the rest of your time in Chamberlain gets better, and if you have any other questions or suggestions, please email me at 

Flora Noble

Vice-President Student Communities


  • Forwarded to Vice President Student Communities

    Tuesday 13th Dec 2016 2:59pm


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