Puppy Petting

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 18th January 2017


Hi, many students saw the event for Puppy Petting on Facebook and signed up for it. We were looking forward to this as a method to alleviate our stress during this exam period, although there is no longer evidence of the existence of the event. Might it perhaps happen and, if yes, when? Thanks in advance.


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Evie Reilly submitted on

Wednesday 18th January 2017


The Facebook event in question was not one created by the Union or University, and as far as we are aware, was not actually a real event. We are advising all students to be cautious with clicking any links or signing up to anything related to this event, as it might be spam.
In relation to our actual events happening over exam period as part of You Are More Than, we tried to book the puppies to come and visit but due to high demand we were sadly unable to do so this time. We will be trying again for the Summer Exams. 
You can find a list of what we’re offering to help students out over exams here - https://www.facebook.com/events/334765853589553/
Elliot Grater
Vice-President Education